Actress Anjali has assured the producers of her films which are under production and wannabe producers who want to sign her up in their films that there would be no problem whatsoever during the shooting schedule. “Nobody can stop the shooting schedules of my films,” the actress said.
Anjali was replying, albeit indirectly, to the threat meted out by film-maker Kalanjiyam who said a few days back that he won’t allow Anjali shoot for any of her films unless she completed his Oor Suttri Puranam as the film’s shoot has been held up because of her absence. Soon after Kalanjiyam’s interview appeared in the media, Anjali has come out with her statement.
“My problems have been over for good. I have successfully completed the shoot of a Telugu film which would be releasing shortly; my next assignment would be a Kannada film whose shoot is going on at present. Acting is my profession and I could only laugh at claims made by someone that I won’t be allowed to shoot for any of my film. Nobody can stop me from shooting for my films.
The industry knows that I’m innocent and is supporting me on the issue. I assure my producers not to worry about any threat as I’m always fully committed to my profession,” Anjali’s statement said.
Kalanjiyam, who launched Oor Suttri Puranam with Anjali as a heroine, hasn’t completed the film which couldn’t proceed beyond 12 days of shoot. Anjali hasn’t responded to his calls to shoot for the film after she accused him and Aunt Barathi Devi of conniving to rob her of all her properties.